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Floridea Planner & Organizer
🌼 Floridea Digital Planner ($30 Value)
🎁 FREE Lifetime Updates ($40 Value)
🎁 +1000 Stickers & 25 Covers ($10 Value)
🎁 Quick & Easy Setup Guide ($7 Value)
Floridea Planner & Organizer
1) How can I access the products I purchased?
Delivery occurs through the e-mail address given during the purchase. After completing the
purchase, you will receive an e-mail containing all your files IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE.
2) How does the planner work?
A PDF editor app is required to use the planner. You can download the app from the App Store. It isneeded to take full advantage of all the functions of the planner. We recommend Goodnotes,Samsung Notes. If you prefer to use it on an iPad or Android tablet, the presence of an Apple Pencilor Android pen enhances the experience!
3) Do I have to pay a monthly subscription?
No. There are no hidden costs or subscription. By paying once you can always access your digital planner.
4) Where can I get help for problems with my order?
For any issues, please contact us , and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
5) Do I need to be tech savvy?
You don’t have to be into tech to start digital planning, but you’ll need to know how to use your device (phone, computer or tablet). You will be provided with a guide which explains the steps on how to get started, modify and manage your planner, and more. Also, you can always contact me for any reason.